Murder of Crows

3425 N. Claremont Ave, Chicago, IL, 60618

Variable cut-outs 8" x 10 " - 16" x 20"

Railroad Board, India ink


Artist’s Note: Silhouettes of crows in flight and cutouts of invented calligraphy; chaotic marks resembling dragons, swirl in the windows of our family two-flat in Chicago, much like crows who live communally in extended families. The aggressive calligraphic shapes are a form of asemic writing; gestures with no semantic meaning, much like the noise that comes from the streams of media flowing relentlessly to us. Cunning and inquisitive; the crows, which we humans superstitiously and mistakenly associate with omens of misfortune and death, hover and swarm, attempting engagement. Perhaps they will prevail in overwhelming the chaos through communal effort.
This work was produced collaboratively between Bobbi & Steve Meier. Steve produced and designed the cut-outs thinking about crows, family and asemic writing after Bobbi suggested using his aggressive, calligraphic cut-outs juxtaposed with the freedom and flight of birds.

ART-IN-PLACE is organized by CNL Projects and Terrain Exhibitions.


Stephanie Brooks


Subeen Park